Makinde's Philosophy : A Model That Grows Oyo National Profile || Bashorun Saintabey


We will only secure a prosperous, peaceful and liveable state if we harness economic growth and development to social solidarity across and between generations, these are the vision of Oyo State Governor, Engr Seyi Makinde .

Makinde's theory acts as a guiding principle for the development being observed in the state.

Since assuming office, Governor Seyi Makinde has worked with his manifesto, The Roadmap to Accelerated Development in Oyo State, 2019-2023. He has followed this plan as he prioritises the four pillars of governance upon which the map is built – Economy (through agribusiness), Education, Healthcare and Security.

Governor Makinde made use of agribusiness as the major driver of the economy of Oyo State thereby attracting private investments and expansions of private interests, looking into how his administration he hold the workers welfare at heart by injecting funds into the Oyo State economy with regular and consistently paying the salaries of Oyo State workers and pensioners. Masses are also feeling the effects of good governence.

The current administration has been able to expand the tax base and also cut the running cost of government by 50% thus reducing government overhead cost by 12.3%, a statistics which is unusual in most of the states of the federation, looking into 2021 budget, the education sector’s budget was 21%, this is above the UNESCO recommended standard of 15-20% and the impact of that in on education, no wonder Oyo State ranking in WASSCE moved from 26th position to 11th position.

The infrastructural development in Oyo State since May 2019 has ensured safe, adequate and robust revenues which has brought effective social and economic development to the state. Residents should be hopeful on vehicle transition areas as the construction of four modern bus terminals strategically located at exits and entrance of Ibadan; Iwo Road, New Ife Road, Challenge and Ojoo will boost the economy of the state and youths will be gainfully employed. 

The construction and rehabilitation of roads and bridges and junction improvement to decongest traffic within major cities shows how effective this administration is.Acquisition of 106 buses for mass transit scheme that will alleviate the transportation challenges of civil servants and students as well as the commuters, the transportational sector of the state will also improve the IGR and provide jobs for the youths across the state.

Moving road the state will enable residents and visitors to the state to see the inclusion of road furniture such as; traffic signals, lay bye, road marking and zebra crossing which out the state into national profile; the construction of computerized VIS Centre at Idi-Ape; the ongoing flyover at General Gas; Challenge/Felele junction improvement; the ongoing dualisation of 9.7km Saki Township Road.

The Light up Oyo’ Phase 2 which covers 223.48km of roads across the state which many has described as first of its kind is another testimony of this administration. The administration of Governor Seyi has been able to provide adequate transport infrastructure and services for uniform socio-economic development in the state by embarking on reconstruction and rehabilitation of the existing roads and improving rural roads;

Ibadan – 13 (148.21km)

Ibadan – Ibarapa (58km)

Ogbomoso – 1 (3km)

Moniya – Iseyin (65km)

Oyo – 1 (5.25km)

Oke-Ogun – 2 (54.4km).

Progressively, Governor Makinde has been able to reposition the glory of the state and the National Profile of the state is on the high side, the vision of standard as the core value of Oyo State Governor has also made him to focus more on Youth development and he ensured the establishment of sports centres/facilities by upgradi and construction of the following sports centres/facilities:

1.Lekan Salami Stadium, Adamasingba

2.Construction of Mini Stadium Igboora, Ibarapa

3.Reconstruction of Olubadan mini stadium, Ibadan

4.Upgrade of Durbar Stadium, Oyo

5.Upgrade of Soun Stadium, Ogbomoso

6.Upgrade of Saki Township stadium

7.Remodelling of Ebedi Township Stadium,Iseyin as well as the Bodija Recreation Centre. 

Putting the lid on the cup of achievements on the youth development is the introduction of YEAP, Youth Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness Programme, A programme that is empowering youths to actively participate and benefit from emerging opportunities and transformation process across the agricultural value chain thereby creating job opportunities for the youth and supporting and facilitate scale-up support linkages, this is ongoing as 10,000 youths will benefit from this programme.

Today, in Oyo State It has been great journey from where Governor Seyi Makinde started from, he has been able to bring fresh water to the state which is very symbolic as rain, the cleanest water in life, Oyo State is blessed with rain of grace, Oyo rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life, without water there is no life. The residents of the state has living faith, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man that is repositioning the state will continue to excel and move the state forward more.

Bashorun Saintabey writes from Àgbókojó, Ìbàdàn
